Kevin Burns (1) Kevin Burns (2) Kevin Burns (3) Kevin Burns (4) Kevin Burns (5) Kevin Burns (6)

The manufacture of banality, and seeking the achievement of a tragic transformation of things; this is what I do. How I do this, at present, is characterised by the effacement of newspapers with tempera and the finding of images amidst the content therein; both the rigid, fragile condition of the paper during and after this process, and the images which consequently occur, inform the progress of the work on an on-going basis and what tangents it may take. I learn as I make them, and I am increasingly learning of and taking an interest in the nature of the paint as not just an aesthetic artifice, but as a skin, one that becomes bound to the thing. Through the agency of the artist, this kind of action conjoins with the material and is thus transubstantiated; I am not a painter, but the use of paint seems the most Catholic of activities.

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