David Southall

David Southall (1)
David Southall (2)
David Southall (3)

In the rich tradition of 'garden shed inventors' my work is concerned with the one off, the bespoke; I have little interest in building the same thing more than once.

Custom motorcycles, concept vehicles and apparatus designed for theatrical performance have formed a staple of my practice but I also have occasional forays into cigar box and biscuit tin guitars, catapults, vintage bicycles, ski bikes……. and anything else that sparks my interest.

My work is, by nature, experimental and free from the constraints of commerce. I build things as to see if it's possible to do so.

Many of my designs have a theatrical element reflecting my past as a street performer and I have had a number of commissions to design and build contraptions intended for performance. My background in engineering allows not only the design but also the build.

The process of construction is as important as the finished article. Craftsmanship in the digital age; practice makes the hands skilled at the art.


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