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Ulysse Di Meglio

MA Photography

The Event Room

I live in a fully mutual housing cooperative in Liverpool called Rose Howey. The event room is the main communal space of this house and my project aims to give an insight into housing cooperatives throughout the documentation of this unique room. I documented the event room by capturing it from the same angle for almost two years. I then exhibited photographs of the room in the room itself to invite the dwellers to a reflection on the cooperative space.

Working with other artists in the house and collaborating with different groups and institutions in Liverpool, the project later became to set up a cooperative gallery space in the event room, the Rose Howey Cooperative Gallery.

From the observation of the living room of Rose Howey to the project of setting-up a cooperative gallery, the photographic study of the event room has contributed to its transformation.

Facebook: Ulysse Di Meglio

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