Mu-Jung Chuang

MFA Photography

Walking Distance

//Moving images & Sound installation

“You won’t remember when it happened or what a person did, but you will remember how you feel.” The concept was to capture the mindset when experiencing times and memories. Although walking distance might be a short amount of time, the feelings could always be scrutinised. If taking a walk means dealing with a particular experience, some people might even take this “walk” through all their life, and how he/she felt might not be utterly wiped out in a short time. This is not about how far the distance is, but how much time he/she stuck in the present before he/she reaches the destination. I was inspired by the notion of telling a story with a circulated timeline. The abstracted storyline represents the complex mixture of memories and emotions. You can choose to close your eyes and ignore the insignificant objects, but you can't shut down your ears not hearing the time.

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