Robin Sukatorn

MFA Illustration

Robin Sukatorn is a graphic artist and illustrator, who depicts figures, scenes and events from the political, civic and cultural world around him, based on direct observation and live ‘reportage’ drawing of the subject at hand.

Predominately drawing in line and working with pencil, pen and ink, pastel and watercolour, Robin's postgraduate research has focused on the creative practice of the illustrator as a witness, observer and reporter of contemporary life. In 2016, Robin received the John Ruskin Prize Student Award, in recognition of a reportage drawing of Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn speaking outside Manchester Cathedral.

For the final year of his MFA, Robin has been developing a visual record of democracy in action, documenting scenes such as political rallies, city council meetings, speeches, party conferences, election hustings, courtroom hearings and parliamentary debates in Manchester, the United Kingdom and the United States. He is preparing to publish the book of his project, Drawing Democracy, in 2018- the centenary year of the Representation of the People Act 1918, a milestone in the fight for universal suffrage in the UK. Robin will also present a paper on his work at the Illustration Research Symposium in Nancy, France, in November 2017, and continues to scout out scenes of democracy in action from which to draw.

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