Sharanya Shekar

MFA Interior Design

My current body of work focuses on air pollution and running. The intake of air pollution increases considerably when we exercise outdoors because we take deeper and more frequent breaths. This, in turn results in deaths from chronic respiratory diseases.

My reflection and crucial analysis are divided into two parts where one explains about the environmental effects of pollution on runners and on the other hand it explains about the experimental design of bringing an outdoor activity into an indoor space. The rationale for this investigative practice is aimed at reinventing the culture of outdoor running activity through alternative design solution, i.e. a design proposal for hybrid indoor urban Running Park that is spatially and programmatically integrated in the existing city.

 An indoor jogger’s park which considers how running could be integrated into the built in environment, reducing the effects of climatic impact on the body, while integrating two disciplines usually treated separately: interior design and urban planning. The objective behind this design proposal is that it can be implemented in any place or city that would be prone to pollution. An indoor Joggers park would introduce green space into an urban area in a way that celebrates the neighbourhood’s industrial part while ensuring there is space set aside for outdoor exercise in its future.

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