Simon McDonald

MA Design: Interior Design

Genius Loci and Digital Fabrication within Interior Design

My practice both explores the convergence of Interior Design with digital fabrication and how this technology can be harnessed to enhance the ‘spirit of place’ within interior space. Through studying the Genius Loci particular to a site, I have crafted strategies that respond to the historical, artistic, cultural and societal backdrop and character of a place.

I imagined Interiors where we might unearth the ‘spirit of place’ as we moved through the space, almost brushing away the layers of time as their hands ran over the table top, door fame or handrail. Being within space could be a journey of discovery, an experience of tactile serendipity between both tangible and spiritual elements that evoke meaning, value, emotion and mystery.

I utilised digital tools to craft these interior details and decorations, like an artisan carving wood. Developing a workflow to transform analogue ornamentation into digital detail and decoration, I used tablet and stylus as my tools to deform, manipulate and finesse my designs into meshes. The CNC miller hewed my data into digital fabrication crafted for Interior Designers who want to take their discipline to the next level.


Because today, the power of making is in the hands of the design professionals.

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