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Dr Adam Walker

Fine Art

Adam is an artist and writer with a research-based practice focussed on critiques of self-perpetuating structures of inequality and speculative profferings of other ways of being. His work takes textual, performative, moving-image, collaborative and digital forms.

Recent projects, performances and exhibitions have taken place at and with the Serpentine Gallery and Tyneside Cinema (UK), Izolyatsia and Yermilov Centre (Ukraine), and online at Recent writing has been published by HOAX, The Posthumanist, Textur, Autonomy and Ma Bibliothéque.

His book, "Art, Labour, Text and Radical Care", is forthcoming with Routledge.



Walker, A., 2022. Un/building, King's College London, 30/5/2022 - 30/5/2022.

Walker, A., 2021. Void Screams, I've Never Been to Tulsa, 25/1/2021 - 8/2/2021.


Walker, A., 2023. 'Art, Labour, Text and Radical Care', Routledge.

Walker, A., McGarry, E., 2019. 'Special Rights', Serpentine Gallery.

Book Chapters

Walker, A., 2023. 'Ana-Conclusion'. In Art, Labour, Text and Radical Care, pp. 133-142, Routledge.

Walker, A., 2023. 'Being'. In Art, Labour, Text and Radical Care, pp. 73-85, Routledge.

Walker, A., 2023. 'Bodies'. In Art, Labour, Text and Radical Care, pp. 45-72, Routledge.

Walker, A., 2023. 'Care'. In Art, Labour, Text and Radical Care, pp. 114-132, Routledge.

Walker, A., 2023. 'Introduction'. In Art, Labour, Text and Radical Care, pp. 1-18, Routledge.

Walker, A., McGarry, E., 2023. 'Rights to...'. In How We Hold: Rehearsals for Art and Social Change, Serpentine / Koenig Books.

Walker, A., 2023. 'Text'. In Art, Labour, Text and Radical Care, pp. 89-113, Routledge.

Walker, A., 2023. 'Work'. In Art, Labour, Text and Radical Care, pp. 21-44, Routledge.

Walker, A., Sagar, I., 2022. 'Foreword'. In I care by..., Royal College of Art.

Walker, A., 2021. 'Caring, Carelessly'. In CARE(LESS), Ma Bibliothéque.

Internet Publications

Walker, A., 2021. 'Workers Leaving the Factory',

Non-Peer Reviewed Articles

Walker, A., 2023. 'A Rolling Series of Encounters', Soanyway Magazine, 2 (14).

Walker, A., 2023. 'Life, art and (child)care', textur, 5, pp. 37-45.

Walker, A., Hartshorn, J., 2023. 'Tissue', The Posthumanist, 2.

Walker, A., 2021. 'Acting Beyond the Present: Thinking Care as Radical Reflexivity', Autonomy.

Conference Papers

Walker, A., 2023. '6 Weeks in Kyiv: Holding Scores Fluid', Performing Scores/Scoring Performance, HOME, Manchester (organised by Performance Research Group, Manchester Metropolitan University), 11/7/2023 - 12/7/2023.

Walker, A., 2021. 'Practicing, Theorising, Being', My PhD has No Words, University of Reading, 19/7/2021 - 19/7/2021.