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Stone, S.H., 2012.

At Home In Work

Output Type:Conference paper
Presented at:Archtheo'12
Volume/Issue:House & Home from a Theoretical Perspective

It is now the norm to have a computer at home; in fact in all First World societies it is almost expected. It has become customary to spend long hours at the home computer, reading, writing and researching; that is obtaining and disseminating information. The massive advances in technology that the twenty-first century has brought means that we are rarely in a position where we are not in contact with other people and never far from a situation where we can access information. The need to save energy and time combined with the advent of advanced wireless technology and a reduction in the size of the necessary equipment means that telecommuting is at last beginning to be seen as a viable alternative to the daily commute. The completion of work at home or even working from home for one or two days per week is a not uncommon event, but this movement of office work into the home has an impact upon the quality of domestic environment.

This paper will discuss the evolution of the home-office and the consequences that this has upon the qualities and the atmosphere within the home.