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Stone, S.H., 2010.


Output Type:Conference paper
Presented at:IFW2010 in Milan
Publication:INTERIOR WOR(L)DS. ISBN: 978-88-422-1935-4

The reworking of existing buildings, often thought to be the sole territory of restorers or conservationists, or even an adjunct of architectural practice, is actually the most radical and controversial of all spatial disciplines. The desire to re-order what already exists is inherently an act that interprets, conforms to, or even disobeys existing orders. Therefore the process of designing new uses for existing buildings, of occupying spaces that were once constructed for a particular previous purpose, provokes the designer into accepting or editing previous patterns of existence. This can be interpreted as an act of judgement upon the existing. This draws interior theory closer to the disciplines of site-specific installation art and cinematography. Here analysis, understanding, editing and postproduction are central to the creation of each project.