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Gartside, S., 2018.

Holden Gallery Project (revised 2018 version)

Output Type:Exhibition
Venue:Holden Gallery

Statement - Holden Gallery (revised for 2018)
Steven Gartside

At the start of the tenure of any curatorial programme it is important to establish strands and themes that will re-emerge in different ways in order to provide a coherency to the programme as a whole. The research output consists of two distinct strands in each of which a philosophical and conceptual framework is explored through a number of exhibitions (these emerge out of a wider tally of the generation of 19 exhibitions working with 88 artists). The interest is in highlighting a curatorial strategy which draws together exhibition themes which demonstrate a sustained body of research using different thematic approaches in order to address wider theoretical, political and social issues. The idea of the curatorial relates to a methodological position, artworks are the starting point, but as Maria Lind points out, these are then situated 'in relation to specific contexts, times and questions in order to challenge the status quo.' Therefore, with the curatorial lies the potential for change, another way of seeing the world.
The first strand explores 'space, perception and the experiential'. The three shows explore the experiential sense of being, as mediated by external conditions. This includes controlled systems of behaviour, the construction of a 'model' environments and the development of urban psychosis -how the mind and body respond to these conditions is a key part of the work. The second strand explores 'image, language and the visual.' The connection between the shows is through an exploration of the image in relation to: speed, excessive production of imagery, notions of 'reality', and the breakdown of communication. In developing an approach where an overall question is addressed through series of exhibitions (each taking on a sub-theme), it allows for the detailed consideration of the place of the image in contemporary society. Each show has the aim of offering the viewer an alternative position.