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Aston, H., iballastonarchitecture, , 2019.

H7 a micro house in Appledore

Output Type:Artefact
Venue:Appledore, North Devon

A self build micro house in Appledore, North Devon. Between 1997 and 2020 I co-led a small architectural practice iballastonarchitecture, formed in order to draw on and develop creative experiences to date. This has resulted in a number of small community and housing projects being undertaken, one of particular note being the 5th Urmston Scout Group new Head Quarters. The practice provided a working platform for the development of our ideas and principles, undertook innovative consultation and participative design approaches, developed a series of design games for all client age groups and helped others to build. After years of enabling others to build, on a personal level Helen and Ben undertook a a self-build project to build a micro-house in Appledore, North Devon using cement SIPS panels.