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Kaluarachchi, Y.D., Jones, K., 2007.

Monitoring of a strategic partnering process: The Amphion experience

Output Type:Journal article
Publication:Construction Management and Economics
Volume/Issue:25 (10)
Pagination:pp. 1053-1061

Amphion Consortium was formed with the membership of a number of registered social landlords as an initiative in implementing the Egan agenda which championed long-term successful partnering as a mechanism for achieving radical change in the construction industry. This was an opportunity to monitor and record the performance of 12 housing development projects and the roles played by a complex team network in contributing to an innovative partnering agreement. Relevant KPIs, benchmarks, a data collection and site monitoring system were developed. A range of workshops, questionnaire surveys, detailed interviews with key project personnel, examination of site meeting notes and feedback reviews were undertaken as research tools to gather data. An attempt was made to identify the softer, qualitative issues that are difficult to grapple with normal numerical data collection methods. A number of takeover bids within a short space of time had a substantial effect on the consortium as well as the research project. Mutual trust, effective communication, a changed mindset from all parties, the quality of the services and commitment of all stakeholders seem to be the key factors that contribute to a successful strategic partnering process.