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Rooney, J., 2023.

"Metamorphosis" a piece included in the "In Case You Missed It" Exhibition at the Modernist Society

Output Type:Exhibition
Venue:The Modernist Gallery Manchester
Dates:3/11/2023 - 24/12/2023
Number of Works:1

The artwork, "Metamorphosis" is a 1m square flag.
UMIST was formed as the Manchester Mechanics' Institution in 1824. This object is a new flag to fly above a future space. The image is based on the original UMIST crest, now redrawn by hand in the style of the zig zag windows found in the Renold Building. The numbers (1824 the year UMIST was formed) are set in IBM Plex, a new font, designed at the confluence of science and art. The flag is 100cm square, a grid ones and zeroes in a physical /digital response. The background colour on the flag is the colour of the average Manchester sky. Slightly grey with a blue tint.