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Pinchbeck, M., Smith, O., 2024.

The Recapitulation

Output Type:Chapter in a book
Brief Description/Editor(s):Pinchbeck, M., Smith, O.
Publisher:Intellect, Bristol
Pagination:pp. 199-216

The Ravel Trilogy posited that Ravel was influenced by personal experience of conflict, each piece explored how his post-war music performed commemoration of war, whilst exhibiting traits of the onset of his dementia. This chapter offers reflections on the trilogy in relation to themes including 'growing' and 'othering', 'commemorating' and 'memorializing. Addressing our central research question, how to 'stage scores', we consider Ravel's scores as situated in the context of their composition post-First World War, emerging into post-conflict performance and cultural acts of 'memoricide'.

We follow the tripartite structure of Exposition/Development/Recapitulation. 'The Exposition' is our introduction to the work's themes, and the themes of each contributor's response to it. 'The Development' refers to our reflections on the development of each performance, with specific reference to their departure from the musical scores. 'The Recapitulation' is our return to the themes explored by the work and our attempt to form a conclusion.