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The IDoService: Facilitating Inclusion and Empowerment of People Living with Dementia through Access to Cultural and Creative Activities

The project seeks to research and co-develop a service with people with dementia for people with dementia that enables them to continue to participate in social life and make a contribution. It is funded by the

This is a two year project (2020-2022), which is funded by the European Horizon2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (GA No 895620). Project staff include:
Prof. Kristina Niedderer (Principal Investigator)
Dr Tournier (Research Fellow)

Project overview:

We all have activities we enjoy doing, at home or outside, for ourselves or with others. This may be for example meeting friends, helping a neighbour, volunteering, walking the dog every morning, writing poems or singing in the local choir. These activities provide us and others with wellbeing and are an important part of our daily life. However, having dementia can make it increasingly difficult to continue doing the activities we enjoy now and in the future.

The objective of the IDoService project is to support people to plan, connect with, and take part in activities they enjoy and thus continue to contribute to their communities. To achieve this, it is essential to have a good understanding of what people like to do, what is available to them and what is not. It is also important to know what challenges people encounter in participating in activities, how they adapt to these, and which strategies or support might help.

The IDoService project aims to co-develop, implement and evaluate a service to increase the socio-cultural involvement and empowerment of people living with mild to moderate stages of dementia. This research combines psychology and service design with a participatory design methodology that will actively involve in the design process relevant stakeholders – i.e- people living with mild to moderate stage of dementia, their family and friends as well as other stakeholders in the field of dementia and activities. Their lived experience is essential to develop a user-friendly service that will allow people living with dementia to plan, connect with and take part in tailored opportunities to realise themselves and to contribute to society.

For further details, please follow this link:

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 895620.
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