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Kettle, A.M., 2015.

Walls, cloth and thread Key note speech

Output Type:Conference paper
Presented at:Textile Society Conference
Venue:The Whitworth Art Gallery
Dates:7/11/2015 - 7/11/2015

'If the nature of architecture is the grounded, the fixed, the permanent, then textiles are its very antithesis.'
These words by the weaver Anni Albers from 'The Pliable Plane' in 1959, suggest the oppositional characteristics of architecture and textiles. Albers goes on to examine ways, however that they are also complimentary and inter-related. Anni Albers' writing on textiles and architecture defines the structure within both as foundational to their individual forms. Using Albers writing I shall reflect on the 'wandering' nature of textile to characterise a 'fixed space'. I shall use the connections textiles has with home to form a personal relationship with architecture. I shall offer a way of dwelling in a space, where textile mediates how we belong to and transform places.
Using various of my own projects with architects and a few from other artists I offer a personal reflection on the interior texture of space.