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Orton, L., Tournier, I., Niedderer, K., Threfall, S., 2021.

Ido Service project - work package one data

Output Type:Data set
Publisher:Manchester Metropolitan University
Dates:9/2/2021 - 1/9/2021

The IDoService project aimed to develop a special service to allow people living with mild to moderate dementia to plan, connect with and participate in tailored opportunities to realise themselves and continue to be fully part of society. It is made up of three stages, called Work Package 1, 2 and 3. This Open Access folder relates to Work Package 1.

Work Package one (WP1) contains interviews and focus groups with the community. We conducted individual and group interviews with people living with mild to moderate dementia, their family and friends, and with other stakeholders in the field of dementia and meaningful activities. We discussed the availability, accessibility, needs, and wishes regarding social and leisure opportunities for people at early stages of dementia.

The interviews were complimented by a literature review and an overview of local services offer and access support to them (e.g., financial support, specific transportation offer) regarding activities for people living with dementia in the Greater Manchester.

The data collection provided a clear overview of the available opportunities regarding meaningful activities, and a working basis for the co-design workshops (work package 2).