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Chambers, AC., Elizabeth, HJ., 2017.

It's Grimm Up North: Domestic Obscenity, Assimilation Anxiety and Medical Salvation in BBC Three's In the Flesh

Output Type:Chapter in a book
Publication:Heading North
Brief Description/Editor(s):Mazierska, EH.
Publisher:Springer International Publishing
Pagination:pp. 193-211
Number of Works:12

In the Flesh is a darkly comic, cuttingly satirical and consciously ambivalent queer domestic horror set in a post-apocalyptic reimagining of our present. Proceeding from the view of the monsters, the series tracks the evolving relationship between the main protagonist Kieren, a queer Partially Deceased Syndrome (PDS) sufferer (a medically controlled and cognisant zombie) and the communities and identities which form his world. Mastered by the State through the medical machine (the NHS), Kieren and his fellow PDS sufferers live through an accelerated reimaging of the history of queer sexuality in Britain, allowing the series to critically examine the affective construction and maintenance of identity, exploring how we locate, assimilate, reject and perform identities within a claustrophobic British and specifically Northern obscenely domestic setting.