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Emma Cocchiarella

The ‘meta-matter’- from the Pleistocene to the Anthropocene

The ‘meta-matter’ identifies an era of heightened physical consciousness which constantly pursues the redefinition of our relationship with the material and natural world, exploring the fragility of our existence. ‘From the Pleistocene to the Anthropocene’ is a story of bioindication and geomythology, when lichen ceases to diversify in order to survive what will remain, how will these mysterious organisms continue to defy extinction and what will they become, how will we decipher and de-code their visible and invisible messages now and in the future epoch of the Anthropocene. A series of image-objects explore simulative image-making, utilising lo tech fabrication alongside digital technologies to deliver material concepts which hover between the mythical and the real, the man-made, natural and supernatural, the material and immaterial.