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4b. Atopia Project (vol. 1) / Miniature Worlds Castlefield Gallery: 2016/7

The Atopia Project (vol.1)
First of a series of works made with Steven Gartside. The Atopia Project (vol. 1) is part of a series of collaborations which explore contained spaces. With reference to early 20th century Antarctic exploration, museological space, and Berthold Lubetkin’s Penguin Pool at London Zoo; (vol. 1) develops a narrative that reflects on our desire to go beyond the limits of knowledge, a desire that can lead to great success as well as failure.

This work was exhibited at Castlefield Gallery Nov 2016-Jan 2017, for the Miniature World exhibition of 'film, sculpture, 2D work, astronomical artefacts, miniature models, and diagrams of the finite-infinite relation. Acknowledging our relentless pursuit for knowledge, the exhibition considers the potential of things in small-scale to help us understand, document and communicate the world in which we find ourselves, ultimately arriving at the joy we find in these modest-sized artefacts in their own right'.

Atopia Project (vol.1)Atopia Project (vol.1)
still from the Atopia Project (vol.1)still from the Atopia Project (vol.1)
still from the Atopia Project (vol.1)still from the Atopia Project (vol.1)
still from the Atopia Project (vol.1)still from the Atopia Project (vol.1)